Got a question about working with us?

We want to make working for Spectrum Payroll Solutions an enjoyable experience for all of our employees. In our FAQs section, we try to answer the questions we get asked the most.


What services do Spectrum Payroll Solutions Ltd offer?
We offer a safe and compliant way for you to get paid via PAYE by your agency or client. If you are an employee engaged under the Spectrum Payroll Solution and you are not supervised, controlled, or directed at work, you are able to submit business-permitted expenses incurred while you are on an assignment.

This will reduce your tax and National Insurance liabilities, thereby increasing your net pay.

When is Spectrum Payroll Solutions Ltd open for business?
Our business hours are Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm. We are closed on bank holidays.
What is the key benefit of being employed by Spectrum Payroll Solutions?
As a Spectrum Payroll Solutions employee, you are entitled to employment rights you might not qualify for elsewhere. This includes holiday pay and the right to make certain expenses claims, as long as you have a valid receipt for them.
Do I get holiday pay with Spectrum Payroll Solutions?
Yes you do. And you get to choose whether to receive your holiday pay each week or have it paid when you take your holiday. Your options are laid out on the registration form.
When will I get paid?
Pay day is every Friday. You will be paid via BACS.
How will I know when I have been paid?
We will send you a text message that confirms your net payment amount. This will be followed by an email containing your payslip which we will send to the email address you have provided us.
What if the payment I receive is not what I was expecting?

All payments are issued as instructed by your recruitment agency. If you do not receive the amount you were expecting, the first thing to do is check that the number of hours you are being paid for is correct. If not, please contact your recruitment agency.

For all other payment queries, call us on 0330 1747 100 and we will be happy to discuss any issues you may have.

I need to change my bank details. How can I do that?

Any changes to bank details need to be made in writing using our Change Details form which you can find on our website.

We will need to know the changes you want to make to the following:

  • Sort code
  • Account number
  • Name of bank
  • Account holder’s name

Please submit the form by email. We cannot accept bank detail changes over the phone. This is to protect your security.

Will I be insured when I work in third party premises?
Yes. Spectrum Payroll Solutions has Employers’ Liability insurance, Public Liability insurance, and Professional Indemnity insurance.
How do I register with Spectrum Payroll Solutions Ltd?

You will be engaged as a Spectrum Payroll Solutions employee if you secure a work assignment through an employment agency. If so, you can register with us by calling 0330 1747 100 or submitting your details online.

Once we have received your details, we will send you an electronic contract which you can accept via email.

To be employed, you will need to send us Right to Work (RTW) documentation that proves you are eligible to work in the UK. We will also need a copy of your P45 or a New Starter Checklist (this used to be called a P46), ask you to complete a Criminal Declaration Form and a Health Assessment Form.

Can I adopt a Limited Company Status?

Most recruitment agencies do not allow you to engage on a self-employed basis, due to the regulations present in false self-employment legislation. If you do wish to have this status, it is vital you are genuinely self-employed, with no one supervising, directing or controlling you, in order to meet the guidelines set out by HMRC. If you need clarification about this, please call us on 0330 1747 100.

What documentation do I require to complete my registration?

You will need to supply proof of your eligibility to work in the UK. We will also need your National Insurance number and your home address. To prove your eligibility to work, a copy of your passport’s photo page will suffice, along with any relevant visa documentation.

Alternatively, we can accept a copy of your long birth certificate and proof of your National Insurance number. If you cannot provide the documents we need, or need some help, please call us on 0330 1747 100.

Will you let me know if my application has been received?

After you have signed your electronic contract and clicked accept, you will receive an email notifying you that we have received your application. If you submit your application via other means, we will send you an email to confirm we have received it and your electronic contract will follow by email soon after.

What is the best way for me to send you any supporting documentation you need?

We have a secure upload system you can use to forward any additional paperwork. 24-hour access to this will be granted to you during the registration process.

If you need to send us documentation outside of this timeframe, please contact our customer service team and they will send you a new link to the secure upload system.

Or you can post any documents to us. Our address is 3rd Floor, Pine Court, 36 Gervis Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 3DH.

Why is an assessment of Supervision, Direction, and Control so important?

If you wish to submit expenses through Spectrum Payroll Solutions, we need to make sure you are not working under the guidance of someone who has the right to supervise, direct, and/or control the way you work.

Because you will be employed on a per-assignment basis, we need to run this assessment when you start every assignment.

What happens if I am Supervised, Directed, or Controlled?

Should this be the case, you can still work through Spectrum Umbrella, but you will not be permitted to submit expenses. We may be able to find other solutions for you, so it is worth calling our customer service team and speaking to one of our advisors.

What expenses can I claim?
Legitimate business expenses can be claimed according to our expenses policy and UK legislation. Only expenses that are deemed reasonable can be claimed. They must be incurred entirely, exclusively, and essentially during your course of employment with Spectrum Payroll Solutions.
Are receipts essential with claims?
We require receipts with all expense claims.

We ask for receipts to validate expense claims because HMRC can challenge any expense claim that’s made. Receipts help validate these claims and reduce the likelihood of HMRC enquiring about or scrutinising your tax matters and perhaps penalising you at a later date.

How long do I have to submit my expenses?
We need to receive expense claims and receipts by close of business on the Tuesday before the Friday you are due to be paid. If we receive claims after this deadline, they may not be processed in time. Instead, they will be carried over to the following payday, if it is not the last payment you are due to receive from us.
What holiday pay will I get?

All employees of Spectrum Umbrella are entitled to holiday pay. This is accrued at a rate of 12.07% (the same as 20 days and 8 bank holidays per year).

Please submit your request for holiday pay no later than close of business on the Tuesday before the Friday pay day on which you want it paid.

You can do this by:

Please note that a holiday year runs from the 1st of January to the 31st of December and that all your holiday must be claimed between these dates. Any unclaimed holidays cannot be carried over to the following or any subsequent years.

Will I need to show you a P45 or New Starter Checklist (P46) to be employed?
Yes. All Spectrum Payroll Solutions employees need to produce one of these documents. This is to ensure you are paid with the correct tax code.

Please provide a P45 from your most recent employer, or complete and return a P46 (now called the New Starter Checklist) and choose the best option that sums-up your current situation.

If we do not receive either of these forms, you will be put on a Basic Rate (BR) tax code. For any assistance with this matter, please contact our customer service team.

I do not have a P45. What do I do?
Please contact us so we can discuss your current situation and ensure we can give you the correct tax code.
How can I get a timesheet?
Please contact your recruitment agency for a timesheet or any issues relating to timesheets. Thank you.
When do I need to request a P45 from Spectrum Payroll Solutions?
You will be issued with a P45 when your employment with us ends. You can continue being employed by us even when you are carrying out assignments for several recruitment agencies at the same time.
I do not have a National Insurance number. What should I do?
We cannot pay you if you do not have a National Insurance number. The number is used to confirm your tax-payer identity when we upload payment information to HMRC. Please apply for your NI number as soon as possible.
Can I get sick pay and other benefits with Spectrum Payroll Solutions?
Absolutely. All of our employees are entitled to statutory sick pay, maternity pay, paternity pay and a pension scheme. Qualifying for each requires different criteria, so please contact us if you need further information.
I seem to have started paying into a pension scheme. Why is this?

The government’s Workplace Pension Scheme requires all employers to enrol their employees into a pension scheme. We defer this enrolment for 3 months but after this time, we are legally obliged to enrol you.

However, if you wish to opt out you can, but you must be enrolled first. Nest, our pension provider, will contact you at this stage to help you.

What is a tax code?

Tax codes are used by HMRC to determine how much tax you pay. The standard tax code is currently 1250L. This means you are able to earn £12,500 per year before tax becomes payable.

All tax codes are calculated on a pro rata basis. Some of the other more common tax codes include:

  • BR – the basic rate tax code, or emergency tax code, often used when tax information about an employee is not supplied or available.
  • W1 – another code that denotes no prior tax information is available.
  • 0T – denotes that no supporting documents such as a New Starter Checklist or P45 were supplied.
How do I get in contact with you?

If you have any questions, please get in contact with the Spectrum Payroll Solutions team by either:

Can I tell my friends and colleagues about your services?
Of course, if you like working with Spectrum Payroll Solutions that is great! Please tell friends and colleagues about us.

We make working for yourself easy!


Get started in around 24 hours

Be in a position to maximise your earnings from day one with us.


A flexible solution for the self-employed

Our umbrella company gives you a payroll solution that just works.


Know when you are getting paid

Friday is payday. Every week. No worrying when the money’s coming.


The peace of mind of knowing you are insured

With our solution, you get protected at no extra cost with contractor insurance.


Support from a professional team

Our friendly and expert team are there to help you Monday to Friday.


Always-on access to your account online

All the information about your account is available for you to view online 24/7.

Working for yourself has never been easier

For fast payments and a great customer service speak to a member of our friendly team: